Questions Your Monument Dealer Should Be Asking Your Cemetery So You Get the Right Headstone


Buying a headstone online can be great, or it can go horribly wrong. The most difficult part in the buying process concerns what happens after the stone is purchased. There have been horror stories in which individuals have bought a headstone online, only to have the headstone delivered to their house or cemetery, with no means of installing it at the gravesite. In that case, individuals typically have to then pay exhorbitant fees (hundreds, if not over $1,000 dollars) to install separately from the purchase of the stone to a different company. This contrasts to when you buy online from a reputable monument dealer, who will take care of the installation and spell out all costs.

The following are questions a good online monument dealer will know to ask your cemetery before you buy a headstone, marker, or memorial.

Although you may have the urge to get the information yourself, it is in your best interest to have a reputable monument dealer call the cemetery, as they are the ones who know exactly what to ask, and will guide you through the buying and installation process.

Remember, if you call for information, and misunderstand or relay it incorrectly, it could be very costly to you, as cemeteries are firm on their rules and regulations. They can refuse the monument if it does not meet their standards.

Here are questions that your monument dealer will ask:

1.) What section of the cemetery is the memorial going? He/she is referring to the burial plot area.
2.) Are upright headstones allowed?
3.) Are there any special restrictions, for upright stones? i.e. Slate for Historical areas.
4.) What are the dimension guidelines for height, width and thickness of the monument?
5.) Are there design restrictions? (example: Are bases required? Are “cut-outs” allowed?)
6.) Is a foundation required?
7.) What are the foundation fees?
8.) Who installs the foundation?
9.) What are the permit fees? (determined by the dimensions of the monument )
10.) Are there design restrictions and size requirements for flat markers?
11.) What are the permit fees for flat markers?
12.) Are benches, or unique- “one of a kind” designs allowed? (be specific about your ideas)
13.) Do you need a foundation under a bench?
14.) Are Columbariums allowed? (cremation urns are placed inside)
15.) Who will install the monuments? (Some Historical cemeteries do their own installations.)
16.) Are LARGE monuments or unique shapes like animals, hexagons, cubes, pyramids, or obelisks allowed?
17.) Are Mausoleums, allowed? ( there are many rules and regulations about Mausoleums)
18.) Are slate, marble slabs, or natural rocks allowed?

All of these are great questions to ask before buying a stone. If you have any questions on any of these and would like to speak to one of our reputable monument dealers at HeadstoneHub, feel free to email or call 617.279.0050.


Jack Kerouac’s New Headstone in Edson Cemetery in Lowell, Massachusetts


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